MONDAY Hayley brushed the web away.
Hayley brushed the silvery black spider web away due to its scary and gloomy look.- Ryker
While bush walking, Hayley brushed the spider’s web out of her way.- Alexis
Hayley swiped the sticky crystal like web off the wall with a rusty old broom because she could not sleep with its keeperĀ starring at her.-Charlotte
TUESDAY Ryker kicked the ball.
Ryker blasted the soccer ball into the goal.- Tyler
Ryker kicked the ball high in the sky.- Anton
WEDNESDAY Its leaves fell to the ground.
Its beautiful waves fell to the old dirty ground at the park.-Hayley
The oak tree’s Autumn leaves plummeted to their death because of the little child swinging on its arms.- Annalyse
THURSDAY They could feel it between the toes.
Jordy could feel the thick and soft sand between his toes.- Zak
They could feel the disgusting slimy goo between their toes. – Jasmine T
While the young girl sprinted across the beach, she felt the smooth sand squish between her toes.- Ivyley
FRIDAY The waiter took the order.
The young McDonald’s waiter happily took my long order.-Chloe
The McDonald’s waiter took Chloe’s large family order.- Jasmine B.
The female waitress quickly took the extremely long order.- Krystal
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